The Story of my Life { Part 2 }

” But I don’t wanna go to French immersion!” Sherry whined.

Her parents decided to insert Sherry to a French immersion school, Henry Anderson.

“It’s okay! You will make a lot of friends!” her mother said patiently.

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Uh! First day of school! Sherry looked in the mirror. She was wearing a pink skirt, and had her princess watch on. What else needed perfection? She had to look her best on her first day.

” Hello, my darling! What’s your name?” Mrs. Law, her teacher said. She shook Sherry’s hand.

They started off learning only one French word: Bonjour, which meant Hello. When Sherry was about to leave, her teacher taught her another French word: Au Revoir, which meant Good-Bye.

“Au Revoir!”

Kindergarten was good. They had a few performances, and Sherry friend Joy was in the same class! She had one unpleasant memory with her that Sherry will never forget…

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“Ha ha!” Joy and Sherry laughed. They were hiding behind a teacher, trying to get her attention, but she still didn’t notice! They made sounds with their tongue, and that trick worked. The teacher spun around, Joy and Sherry were caught my surprise. They accidentally knocked into each other! Ouch! Joy’s front teeth hit Sherry’s head. They just moaned, and sat on the bench, though nobody, even the teacher noticed. It was silence after that.

When it was time to go home, Sherry and Joy didn’t even mind to say goodbye to their teacher, and ran to their moms. They cried. The pain!

Sherry’s mom put a bandage on Sherry’s head. It was bleeding. Same with Joy’s teeth.

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Ah! After Kindergarten, Sherry thought the ‘learning’ part of her life was over. But No! Grade 1 is starting, Sherry! Gather up your strengths…Ready? You’re off to a new start!

Want to hear my story of Grade 1? Wait for Part 3 next week! Hope you liked the story so far!

~Stories by Sherry ^_^

The Story of my Life

Promise me. Do not copy. Or else you will get in some serious trouble. Trust me.

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The Story of my Life. Let’s get started! I will be writing about my life, starting from when I was a baby…


“Oh! She’s so cute!”



“Can I be the first to hug her?”

Haha, all the attention! Though Sherry had no idea about it. She was busy crying like a lunatic.

Coming back from the hospital, Sherry lived in a small town in China. Her family wasn’t that rich, so her life wasn’t that great, starting. Not long after, Sherry’s family moved into a room in an apartment in the city of Quanzhou, China. She lived with her grandparents. Sherry was sent to preschool a few times, and she didn’t really like it…

In Preshool, when Sherry was ONLY 1, she had to learn and memorize poems in Chinese. They also sang songs. Sherry had to have her naps beside her teacher. Each student had their own chair, Sherry’s was blue

When Sherry was 1, her family moved to Canada, in the province of BC, Richmond. And that was where she started living ever since. She did go back to China for a few visits.

Sherry entered Montessori at the age of 3. She made friends, Stephanie and Joy. They always played together. Soon after, Sherry made a new friend…Angel! They met in a weird way…

“Wash, wash, wash! Wash your hands!” said the teacher.Sherry was in line, waiting to wash her hands. Then, she accidentally bumped into the girl in front of her. The girl turned around. “Sorry!” Sherry said. The girl smiled. “It’s okay!” she said, jumping up and down. “My name is Angel!” she said in a sing-song voice. There was silence after that. “Let’s be friends!” Angel said. Sherry nodded. “Okay!”

Ha ha, meeting in the washroom! Well, Sherry and Angel did become really REALLY good friends.

There was once a play in Montessori. Sherry and Angel and another girl called Dawa acted as the fairies. The were doing a play about the zoo. In the end, they sang a song. Sherry and Angel got the microphone!

It was good years in Montessori. There were good days and bad days.

As Sherry grew, Elementary school came in the way, and she was about to start a new life, a new future ahead…

Part 2 will be coming out soon. Keep a look out! I will be writing one every week. Thanks!

~Stories by Sherry ^_^