Find The Owner

Ellie felt awesome. It was a warm sunny day, and she was on her way to the playground to play! Ellie can barely contain her excitement.

She skipped on the sidewalk, flashing a smile to whoever she saw and humming to herself. I’m going to the playground! I’m going to the playground! Ellie thought happily.

After a short 10 minutes, Ellie finally reached the playground. She squealed and ran towards the swing. But before she reached it, Ellie stumbled and fell! Oops! Ouch! But Ellie was a big girl, so she got up and pretended nothing happened.

When Ellie got up again, she saw at the side of her eye something shiny on the ground. Humph. Probably a rock that tripped her. But Ellie still decided to get a closer look.

Ah! It was no rock at all! It was a beautiful bracelet, made with glimmering rainbow beads with stars. Ellie loved it immediately. She slipped it on her wrist.

Ellie bolted up the stairs the second she entered her house. She was going to hide the bracelet.

Ellie entered her room, panting. Where should she keep the bracelet? In her closet? No. It would get lost. Under her bed? No. It would get lost. Oh! How about in her—

Just then, Ellie’s mother entered her room. In a rush, Ellie hid the bracelet behind her back, accidentally hitting her leg by the table. She held back a scream.

“What’s the rush?” her mother asked.

Ellie panicked. Should she lie? If she told her mother the truth, she would make her find the owner and return it. She didn’t really want that.


Hey guys! How do you like this story? Tell me in the comments below what you think Ellie should do.

~Stories by Sherry ^_^

Who am I? ( Solved )

I’m so smart

I think by heart

I have wild hair

I never despair

I think differently

I think wistfully

Now for the biggest hint:

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

Tell me in  the comments below who you think this is! Winner gets a shout out! Good Luck.

*This riddle has been solved by Antartica2095 (Good Job, Best Friend!^_^) she deserves…A SHOUT OUT!  Definitely go check out her blog at

~Stories by Sherry ^_^



The Winners { Shout Outs! }

Because nobody joined the tongue twister challenge, I would be changing it so there will still be Shout Outs given.

Now, two bloggers also gave two other tongue twisters for me to try.

Tongue Twister from Kaushal’s Perspectivism: Mr. See and Mr. Saw.

One day Mr. See saw see and Mr. Saw didn’t see sea. See saw sea and jumped in the sea. Saw didn’t see sea but jumped in the sea. See saw Saw in see and Saw saw See in sea. See saw both Saw and see and both Saw & See were happy to see sea!

Tongue Twister from iamabloggertoo:  She sells seashells on the sea shore.

Whoa, complicated!

Congratulations! Kaushal’s Perspectivism and iamabloggertoo deserves SHOUT OUTS!  Definitely go check out their blog, and have fun trying the Tongue Twisters!

~Stories by Sherry ^_^

Contest Champion { Your Valentine }

Hey Guys! This is the contest for February, Your Valentine.

How many valentines did you get on Valentines Day? Tell me in the comments below! And no cheating!

The peoples that are in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd get shout outs! Sweet, Valentine shout outs!

Be quick, the deadline is Mar.1 2016.

Have Fun!

~Stories by Sherry ^_^


Hello Again, WordPress

Hi, EVERYONE! I missed you guys so much! I didn’t get to use my blog for a loooong time because I was grounded. Ugh. But now that I’m over that, I get to use my blog again!

Hello, WordPress!

I will be writing stories and other stuff on my blog from now. Well, unless I get grounded again. LOL.

Oh, right! I still need to do Past to Future Part 4! and The Quest for the Three Fairies! Dang, and I can’t forget the contests! And the challenges! And the…!

In a hurry,

~Stories by Sherry ^_^